Applying Validating Admission Policies using Kyverno CLI

Using Kyverno CLI to apply Validating Admission Policies

The Kyverno Command Line Interface (CLI) allows applying policies outside of Kubernetes clusters and can validate and test policy behavior prior to adding them to a cluster.

The two commands used for testing are apply and test:

  • The apply command is used to perform a dry run on one or more policies for the given manifest(s).
  • The test command is used to test a given set of resources against one or more policies to check the desired results defined in a special test manifest.

In this post, I will show you how you can apply/test Kubernetes ValidatingAdmissionPolicies that were first introduced in 1.26 with the enhancements to the Kyverno CLI in v1.11.

Applying ValidatingAdmissionPolicies using kyverno apply

In this section, you will create a ValidatingAdmissionPolicy that checks the number of Deployment replicas. You will then apply this policy to two Deployments, one of which violates the policy:

 1cat << EOF > check-deployment-replicas.yaml
 3kind: ValidatingAdmissionPolicy
 5  name: check-deployments-replicas
 7  failurePolicy: Fail
 8  matchConstraints:
 9    resourceRules:
10    - apiGroups:   ["apps"]
11      apiVersions: ["v1"]
12      operations:  ["CREATE", "UPDATE"]
13      resources:   ["deployments"]
14  validations:
15    - expression: "object.spec.replicas <= 2"
16      message: "Replicas must be less than or equal 2"

The following deployment satisfies the rules declared in the above policy.

 1cat << EOF > deployment-pass.yaml
 2apiVersion: apps/v1
 3kind: Deployment
 5  name: nginx-pass
 7  replicas: 2
 8  selector:
 9    matchLabels:
10      app: nginx-pass
11  template:
12    metadata:
13      labels:
14        app: nginx-pass
15    spec:
16      containers:
17      - name: nginx-server
18        image: nginx

Let’s apply the policy to the resource using kyverno apply as follows.

1kyverno apply ./check-deployment-replicas.yaml --resource deployment-pass.yaml

The output should be the following.

1Applying 1 policy rule(s) to 1 resource(s)...
3pass: 1, fail: 0, warn: 0, error: 0, skip: 0 

Let’s try to create another deployment that violates the policy.

 1cat << EOF > deployment-fail.yaml
 2apiVersion: apps/v1
 3kind: Deployment
 5  name: nginx-fail
 7  replicas: 3
 8  selector:
 9    matchLabels:
10      app: nginx-fail
11  template:
12    metadata:
13      labels:
14        app: nginx-fail
15    spec:
16      containers:
17      - name: nginx-server
18        image: nginx

Then apply the policy to the resource as follows.

1kyverno apply ./check-deployment-replicas.yaml --resource deployment-fail.yaml 

The output should be as shown.

1Applying 1 policy rule(s) to 1 resource(s)...
3pass: 0, fail: 1, warn: 0, error: 0, skip: 0

Testing ValidatingAdmissionPolicies using kyverno test

In this section, you will create a ValidatingAdmissionPolicy that ensures no hostPath volumes are in use for Deployments. You will then create two Deployments to test them against the policy and check the desired results.

To proceed, you need to create a directory containing the necessary manifests. In this example, I created a directory called test-dir.

Let’s start with creating the policy.

 1cat << EOF > ./test-dir/disallow-host-path.yaml
 3kind: ValidatingAdmissionPolicy
 5  name: disallow-host-path
 7  failurePolicy: Fail
 8  matchConstraints:
 9    resourceRules:
10    - apiGroups:   ["apps"]
11      apiVersions: ["v1"]
12      operations:  ["CREATE", "UPDATE"]
13      resources:   ["deployments"]
14  validations:
15    - expression: "!has(object.spec.template.spec.volumes) || object.spec.template.spec.volumes.all(volume, !has(volume.hostPath))"
16      message: "HostPath volumes are forbidden. The field spec.template.spec.volumes[*].hostPath must be unset."

Then, create the two Deployments, one of which violates the policy.

 1cat << EOF > ./test-dir/deployments.yaml
 2apiVersion: apps/v1
 3kind: Deployment
 5  name: deployment-pass
 7  replicas: 1
 8  selector:
 9    matchLabels:
10      app: nginx
11  template:
12    metadata:
13      labels:
14        app: nginx
15    spec:
16      containers:
17      - name: nginx-server
18        image: nginx
19        volumeMounts:
20          - name: temp
21            mountPath: /scratch
22      volumes:
23      - name: temp
24        emptyDir: {}
26apiVersion: apps/v1
27kind: Deployment
29  name: deployment-fail
31  replicas: 1
32  selector:
33    matchLabels:
34      app: nginx
35  template:
36    metadata:
37      labels:
38        app: nginx
39    spec:
40      containers:
41      - name: nginx-server
42        image: nginx
43        volumeMounts:
44          - name: udev
45            mountPath: /data
46      volumes:
47      - name: udev
48        hostPath:
49          path: /etc/udev

The tests are defined in a file named kyverno-test.yaml so you will create two tests, one for each Deployment and test them against the policy. Notice the use of a new field in the test manifest called isValidatingAdmissionPolicy.

 1cat << EOF > ./test-dir/kyverno-test.yaml
 2name: disallow-host-path-test
 4  - disallow-host-path.yaml
 6  - deployments.yaml
 8  - policy: disallow-host-path
 9    resource: deployment-pass
10    isValidatingAdmissionPolicy: true
11    kind: Deployment
12    result: pass
13  - policy: disallow-host-path
14    resource: deployment-fail
15    isValidatingAdmissionPolicy: true
16    kind: Deployment
17    result: fail

Now, we’re ready to test the two Deployments against a ValidatingAdmissionPolicy.

1kyverno test ./test-dir

The output should be as shown below.

 1Executing disallow-host-path-test...
 4│ ID │ POLICY             │ RULE │ RESOURCE                   │ RESULT │ REASON │
 61 │ disallow-host-path │      │ Deployment/deployment-pass │ Pass   │ Ok     │
 72 │ disallow-host-path │      │ Deployment/deployment-fail │ Pass   │ Ok     │
10Test Summary: 2 tests passed and 0 tests failed

As expected, the two tests passed because the actual result of each test matches the desired result as defined in the test manifest.


This blog post explains how to apply ValidatingAdmissionPolicies to resources using the Kyverno CLI. With Kyverno, it’s easy to apply Kubernetes ValidatingAdmissionPolicies in your CI/CD pipelines and to test new ValidatingAdmissionPolicies before they are deployed to your clusters. This is one of many exciting features coming with Kyverno v1.11.

Last modified April 08, 2024 at 8:29 AM PST: Refactor links (#1205) (5060f3d)