Cleanup Controller Deleted Objects

This metric can be used to track the number of objects deleted by the cleanup TTL controller.

Metric Name(s)

  • kyverno_ttl_controller_deletedobjects

Metric Value

Counter - An only-increasing integer representing the number of objects deleted by the cleanup TTL controller.

Metric Labels

LabelAllowed ValuesDescription
resource_group“apps”, “”, “”, etc.Group of this resource
resource_version“v1”, “v1beta1”, “v1alpha1”, etc.Version of this resource
resource_resource“pods”, “deployments”, “statefulSets”, “replicaSets”, etc.Resource of this resource
resource_namespaceNamespace in which this resource lives

Use cases

  • Monitor the number of resources deleted over time by the cleanup TTL controller.

Last modified April 08, 2024 at 8:29 AM PST: Refactor links (#1205) (5060f3d)