
Verify Sigstore Cosign format signatures and attestations using keys, certificates, or keyless attestors.

Sigstore is a Linux Foundation project focused on software signing and transparency log technologies to improve software supply chain security. Cosign is a sub-project that provides image signing, verification, and storage in an OCI registry.

Verifying Image Signatures

Container images can be signed during the build phase of a CI/CD pipeline using the Cosign CLI. An image can be signed with multiple signatures, for example at the organization level and at the project level.

The policy rule check fails if the required signatures are not found in the OCI registry, or if the image was not signed using matching attestors.

The rule mutates matching images to add the image digest, when mutateDigest is set to true (which is the default), if the digest is not already specified. Using an image digest has the benefit of making image references immutable. This helps ensure that the version of the deployed image does not change and, for example, is the same version that was scanned and verified by a vulnerability scanning and detection tool.

Here is a sample image verification policy which ensures an image from the repository, using any tag, is signed with the corresponding public key as defined in the policy:

 2kind: ClusterPolicy
 4  name: check-image
 6  webhookConfiguration:
 7    failurePolicy: Fail
 8    timeoutSeconds: 30
 9  background: false
10  rules:
11    - name: check-image
12      match:
13        any:
14        - resources:
15            kinds:
16              - Pod
17      verifyImages:
18      - imageReferences:
19        - "*"
20        failureAction: Enforce
21        attestors:
22        - count: 1
23          entries:
24          - keys:
25              publicKeys: |-
26                -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
27                MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAE8nXRh950IZbRj8Ra/N9sbqOPZrfM
28                5/KAQN0/KjHcorm/J5yctVd7iEcnessRQjU917hmKO6JWVGHpDguIyakZA==
29                -----END PUBLIC KEY-----                
30              rekor:
31                ignoreTlog: true
32                url:

A signed image can be run as follows:

1kubectl run signed
2pod/signed created

The deployed Pod will be mutated to use the image digest.

Attempting to run an unsigned image will produce a policy error as follows:

1kubectl run unsigned
2Error from server: admission webhook "mutate.kyverno.svc" denied the request:
4resource Pod/default/unsigned was blocked due to the following policies
7  check-image: 'image verification failed for
8    signature not found'

Similarly, attempting to run an image which matches the specified rule but is signed with a different key will produce an error:

1kubectl run signed-other
2Error from server: admission webhook "mutate.kyverno.svc" denied the request:
4resource Pod/default/signed-other was blocked due to the following policies
7  check-image: 'image verification failed for
8    invalid signature'

Verifying Sigstore bundles

Container images signatures that use sigstore bundle format such as GitHub Artifact Attestation can be verified using verification type SigstoreBundle. The following example verifies images containing SLSA Provenance created and signed using GitHub Artifact Attestation.

 2kind: ClusterPolicy
 4  annotations:
 5 none
 6  name: sigstore-attestation-verification
 8  background: false
 9  validationFailureAction: Enforce
10  webhookTimeoutSeconds: 30
11  rules:
12  - match:
13      any:
14      - resources:
15          kinds:
16          - Pod
17    name: sigstore-attestation-verification
18    verifyImages:
19    - imageReferences:
20      - "*"
21      type: SigstoreBundle
22      attestations:
23      - attestors:
24        - entries:
25          - keyless:
26              issuer:
27              subject:
28              rekor:
29                  url:
30        conditions:
31        - all:
32          - key: '{{ buildDefinition.buildType }}'
33            operator: Equals
34            value:
35        type:

Skipping Image References

skipImageReferences can be used to precisely filter image references that should be verified by a policy. A list of references can be specified in skipImageReferences and images that match those references will be excluded from image verification process. The following example will match all images from but will skip images from

 2kind: ClusterPolicy
 4  name: exclude-refs
 6  webhookConfiguration:
 7    failurePolicy: Fail
 8    timeoutSeconds: 30
 9  rules:
10    - name: exclude-refs
11      match:
12        any:
13        - resources:
14            kinds:
15              - Pod
16      verifyImages:
17      - imageReferences:
18        - "*"
19        skipImageReferences:
20        - "*"
21        failureAction: Enforce 
22        attestors:
23        - count: 1
24          entries:
25          - keys:
26              publicKeys: |-
27                -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
28                MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAE8nXRh950IZbRj8Ra/N9sbqOPZrfM
29                5/KAQN0/KjHcorm/J5yctVd7iEcnessRQjU917hmKO6JWVGHpDguIyakZA==
30                -----END PUBLIC KEY-----                

Signing images

To sign images, install Cosign and generate a public-private key pair.

1cosign generate-key-pair

Next, use the cosign sign command and specifying the private key in the --key command line argument.

2cosign sign --key cosign.key ${IMAGE}

This command will sign your image and publish the signature to the OCI registry. You can verify the signature using the cosign verify command.

1cosign verify --key ${IMAGE}

Refer to the Cosign documentation for usage details and OCI registry support.

Verifying Image Attestations

Container image signatures prove that the image was signed by the holder of a matching private key. However, signatures do not provide additional data and intent that frameworks like SLSA (Supply chain Levels for Software Artifacts) require.

An attestation is metadata attached to software artifacts like images. Signed attestations provide verifiable information required for SLSA.

The in-toto attestation format provides a flexible scheme for metadata such as repository and build environment details, vulnerability scan reports, test results, code review reports, or any other information that is used to verify image integrity. Each attestation contains a signed statement with a predicateType and a predicate. Here is an example derived from the in-toto site:

 2  "payloadType": "",
 3  "payload": {
 4    "_type": "",
 5    "predicateType": "",
 6    "subject": [
 7      {
 8        "name": "",
 9        "digest": {
10          "sha256": "b31bfb4d0213f254d361e0079deaaebefa4f82ba7aa76ef82e90b4935ad5b105"
11        }
12      }
13    ],
14    "predicate": {
15      "author": "",
16      "repo": {
17        "branch": "main",
18        "type": "git",
19        "uri": ""
20      },
21      "reviewers": [
22        ""
23      ]
24    }
25  },
26  "signatures": [
27    {
28      "keyid": "",
29      "sig": "MEYCIQDtJYN8dq9RACVUYljdn6t/BBONrSaR8NDpB+56YdcQqAIhAKRgiQIFvGyQERJJYjq2+6Jq2tkVbFpQMXPU0Zu8Gu1S"
30    }
31  ]

The imageVerify rule can contain one or more attestation checks that verify the contents of the predicate. Here is an example that verifies the repository URI, the branch, and the reviewers.

 2kind: ClusterPolicy
 4  name: attest-code-review
 6  webhookConfiguration:
 7    failurePolicy: Fail
 8    timeoutSeconds: 30
 9  background: false
10  rules:
11    - name: attest
12      match:
13        any:
14        - resources:
15            kinds:
16              - Pod
17      verifyImages:
18      - imageReferences:
19        - "*"
20        failureAction: Enforce
21        attestations:
22          - predicateType:
23            attestors:
24            - entries:
25              - keys:
26                  publicKeys: |-
27                    -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
28                    MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEzDB0FiCzAWf/BhHLpikFs6p853/G
29                    3A/jt+GFbOJjpnr7vJyb28x4XnR1M5pwUUcpzIZkIgSsd+XcTnrBPVoiyw==
30                    -----END PUBLIC KEY-----                    
31            conditions:
32              - all:
33                - key: "{{ repo.uri }}"
34                  operator: Equals
35                  value: ""            
36                - key: "{{ repo.branch }}"
37                  operator: Equals
38                  value: "main"
39                - key: "{{ reviewers }}"
40                  operator: AnyIn
41                  value: ["", ""]

The policy rule above fetches and verifies that the attestations are signed with the matching private key, decodes the payloads to extract the predicate, and then applies each condition to the predicate.

Each verifyImages rule can be used to verify signatures or attestations, but not both. This allows the flexibility of using separate signatures for attestations. The attestors{} object appears both under verifyImages as well as verifyImages.attestations. Use of it in the former location is for image signature validation while use in the latter is for attestations only.

Signing attestations

To sign attestations, use the cosign attest command. This command will sign your attestations and publish them to the OCI registry.

2cosign attest --key cosign.key --predicate <file> --type <predicate type>  ${IMAGE}

You can use a custom attestation type with a JSON document as the predicate. For example, with the code review example above the predicate body can be specified in a file predicate.json with the contents:

 2    "author": "",
 3    "repo": {
 4        "branch": "main",
 5        "type": "git",
 6        "uri": ""
 7    },
 8    "reviewers": [
 9        ""
10    ]

The following cosign command creates the in-toto format attestation and signs it with the specified credentials using the custom predicate type

1cosign attest --key <KEY> --predicate predicate.json  --type

This flexible scheme allows attesting and verifying any JSON document, including vulnerability scan reports and Software Bill Of Materials (SBOMs).

Attestations, such as the snippet shown above, are base64 encoded by default and may be verified and viewed with the cosign verify-attestation command. For example, the below command will verify and decode the attestation of type slsaprovenance for a given image which was signed with the keyless signing ability.

1COSIGN_EXPERIMENTAL=true cosign verify-attestation --type slsaprovenance | jq .payload -r | base64 --decode | jq

Verification of an attestation using a public key can be done simply:

1cosign verify-attestation --key --type <type> ${IMAGE}

Refer to the Cosign documentation for additional details including OCI registry support.

Certificate based signing and verification

This policy checks if an image is signed using a certificate. The root certificate, and any intermediary certificates in the signing chain, can also be provided in the certChain declaration.

 3kind: ClusterPolicy
 5  name: check-image
 7  rules:
 8    - name: verify-signature
 9      match:
10        any:
11        - resources:
12            kinds:
13              - Pod
14      verifyImages:
15      - imageReferences:
16        - ""
17        failureAction: Enforce
18        attestors:
19        - entries:
20          - certificates:
21              cert: |-
22                -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
25                BgNVBAoMB05pcm1hdGExEDAOBgNVBAMMB25pcm1hdGExHjAcBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEW
26                D2ppbUBuaXJtYXRhLmNvbTAeFw0yMjA0MjgxOTU0NDFaFw0yNDA3MzExOTU0NDFa
29                aW1AbmlybWF0YS5jb20wggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDP
30                LObWc4VM4CULHrjScdjAXwdeJ6o1SwS9Voz9wTYAASp54EDqgzecWGjtn409NF9o
31                4tqd5LotEFscoMXGpmm7dBpv76MQhGym7JBhlYaBksmnKp17nTfAmsgiDiUnjnG6
32                BQ5/FIdZYHtpJmMZ/SZqQ3ehXLaGj2qogPrEsObN1S/1b+0guLC/gVi1fiuUgd4Z
33                SDEmDaLjSuIQBrtba08vQnl5Ihzrag3A85+JNNxk9WBDFnLHMsRvlrUMU4565FS9
34                X57epDZakKvLATAK0/gKI2ZvWfY0hoO3ngEk4Rkek6Qeh1vXFBc8Rsym8W0RXjux
35                JDkye5RTsYrlXxSavP/xAgMBAAGjVTBTMB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFBF3uwHovsxj7WxS
37                bGxmaXNoLnRlc3QwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBAHtn9KptJyHYs45oTsdmXrO0
38                Fv0k3jZnmqxHOX7OiFyAkpcYUTezMYKHGqLdme0p2VE/TdQmGPEq1dqlQbF7UMb/
39                o+SrvFpmAJ1iAVjLYQ7KDCE706NgnVkxaPfU8UBOw2vF5nsgIxcheOyxTplbVOVM
40                vcYYwAWXxkNhrQ4sYygXuNgZawruxY1HdUgGWlh9XY0J5OBrXyinh2YGBUGQJgQR
41                NEmM+GQjdquPqAgDsb3kvWgFDrcbBZJBc/CyZU8GH9uIuPDgfVhDTqFtiz9W/F5s
42                Hh8yD7VAIWgL9TkGWRwWdD6Qx/BAu7dMdpjAxdGpMLn3O4SDAZDnQneaHx6qr/I=
43                -----END CERTIFICATE-----                
44              certChain: |-
45                -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
46                MIIDuTCCAqGgAwIBAgIUU1kkhcMc+7ci1qvkLCre5lbH68owDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEL
48                BgNVBAoMB05pcm1hdGExEDAOBgNVBAMMB25pcm1hdGExHjAcBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEW
49                D2ppbUBuaXJtYXRhLmNvbTAeFw0yMjA0MjgxOTE2NTJaFw0yNzA0MjcxOTE2NTJa
52                aW1AbmlybWF0YS5jb20wggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQCx
53                hpgJ/YUXtUyLNjJgoOBQHSIL6PrdNj9iemgddVg1WGzQrtMnleVY1Wh31C3nV2oN
54                VrcH2+i/14fyTWpAPEoJ/E6/3Pd8EYokFffm6AXvSCX6gaRpgeiWySK9T62bI7TP
55                4VplppF4lkUJbYxtFiVt5q2T4+lm+k8Q5kDtxU8d1067ApM82f9kHgoLqJwuuGM7
56                VPHX023orJ2YU68gJo78qGbv+1/aoPpcEZelk5RBXplvOT23DbMgEi3SxWjJ3djU
57                svQu+FMLG9xWpTdH5P98/1hY89xxYk+paEVDX0xSmINt2nfFGV5x1ChEMaZSC/7Q
58                9Z5qRX2e26/Mm+jFnIIJAgMBAAGjUzBRMB0GA1UdDgQWBBQRd7sB6L7MY+1sUrww
59                ygU8LkfqGjAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBQRd7sB6L7MY+1sUrwwygU8LkfqGjAPBgNVHRMB
61                RamGcOX7GLI5zQnO717l+kZqJQAQfhgehbm14UkXx3/1iyqSYpNUIeY6XZaiAxMC
62                fQI8ufcaws4f522QINGNLQGzzt2gkDAg25ARTgH4JVmRxiViTsfrb+VgjcYhkLK5
63                mWffp3LpCiybZaRKwS93SNWo95ld2VzDgzGNLLGejifCe9nPSfvkuXHfDW9nSRMP
64                plXrFYd7TTMUaENRmTQtl1KyIlnLEp+A6ZBpY1Pxdc9SnflYQVQb0hsxSa+Swkb6
65                hRkMf01X7+GAI75hpgoX/CuCjd8J5kozsXLzUtKRop5gXyZxuFL8yUW9gfQs
66                -----END CERTIFICATE-----                

To verify using the root certificate only, the leaf certificate declaration cert can be omitted.

 3kind: ClusterPolicy
 5  name: check-image
 7  rules:
 8    - name: verify-signature
 9      match:
10        any:
11        - resources:
12            kinds:
13              - Pod
14      verifyImages:
15      - imageReferences:
16        - ""
17        failureAction: Enforce
18        attestors:
19        - entries:
20          - certificates:
21              certChain: |-
22                -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
23                MIIDuTCCAqGgAwIBAgIUU1kkhcMc+7ci1qvkLCre5lbH68owDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEL
25                BgNVBAoMB05pcm1hdGExEDAOBgNVBAMMB25pcm1hdGExHjAcBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEW
26                D2ppbUBuaXJtYXRhLmNvbTAeFw0yMjA0MjgxOTE2NTJaFw0yNzA0MjcxOTE2NTJa
29                aW1AbmlybWF0YS5jb20wggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQCx
30                hpgJ/YUXtUyLNjJgoOBQHSIL6PrdNj9iemgddVg1WGzQrtMnleVY1Wh31C3nV2oN
31                VrcH2+i/14fyTWpAPEoJ/E6/3Pd8EYokFffm6AXvSCX6gaRpgeiWySK9T62bI7TP
32                4VplppF4lkUJbYxtFiVt5q2T4+lm+k8Q5kDtxU8d1067ApM82f9kHgoLqJwuuGM7
33                VPHX023orJ2YU68gJo78qGbv+1/aoPpcEZelk5RBXplvOT23DbMgEi3SxWjJ3djU
34                svQu+FMLG9xWpTdH5P98/1hY89xxYk+paEVDX0xSmINt2nfFGV5x1ChEMaZSC/7Q
35                9Z5qRX2e26/Mm+jFnIIJAgMBAAGjUzBRMB0GA1UdDgQWBBQRd7sB6L7MY+1sUrww
36                ygU8LkfqGjAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBQRd7sB6L7MY+1sUrwwygU8LkfqGjAPBgNVHRMB
38                RamGcOX7GLI5zQnO717l+kZqJQAQfhgehbm14UkXx3/1iyqSYpNUIeY6XZaiAxMC
39                fQI8ufcaws4f522QINGNLQGzzt2gkDAg25ARTgH4JVmRxiViTsfrb+VgjcYhkLK5
40                mWffp3LpCiybZaRKwS93SNWo95ld2VzDgzGNLLGejifCe9nPSfvkuXHfDW9nSRMP
41                plXrFYd7TTMUaENRmTQtl1KyIlnLEp+A6ZBpY1Pxdc9SnflYQVQb0hsxSa+Swkb6
42                hRkMf01X7+GAI75hpgoX/CuCjd8J5kozsXLzUtKRop5gXyZxuFL8yUW9gfQs
43                -----END CERTIFICATE-----                

This enables use cases where, in an enterprise with a private CA, each team has their own leaf certificate used for signing their images, and a global policy is used to verify all images signatures.

Signing images using certificates

To use certificates for image signing, you must first extract the public key using the cosign import command.

Assuming you have a root CA myCA.pem and a public-private certificate pair test.crt and test.key, you can convert the public certificate to a key as follows:

1cosign import-key-pair --key test.key

This creates the import-cosign.key and files. You can then sign using the certificate as follows:

1cosign sign $IMAGE --key import-cosign.key --cert test.crt --cert-chain myCA.pem 

This image can now be verified using the leaf or root certificates.

Keyless signing and verification

The following policy verifies an image signed using ephemeral keys and signing data stored in a transparency log, known as keyless signing:

 2kind: ClusterPolicy
 4  name: check-image-keyless
 6  webhookConfiguration:
 7    timeoutSeconds: 30
 8  rules:
 9    - name: check-image-keyless
10      match:
11        any:
12        - resources:
13            kinds:
14              - Pod
15      verifyImages:
16      - imageReferences:
17        - ""
18        failureAction: Enforce
19        attestors:
20        - entries:
21          - keyless:
22              subject: "*"
23              issuer: ""
24              rekor:
25                url:

The following policy verifies an image signed using keyless signing with regular expressions for subject and issuer:

 2kind: ClusterPolicy
 4  name: check-image-keyless
 6  validationFailureAction: Enforce
 7  webhookTimeoutSeconds: 30
 8  rules:
 9    - name: check-image-keyless
10      match:
11        any:
12        - resources:
13            kinds:
14              - Pod
15      verifyImages:
16      - imageReferences:
17        - ""
18        attestors:
19        - entries:
20          - keyless:
21              subjectRegExp: https://github\.com/.+
22              issuerRegExp: https://token\.actions\.githubusercontent.+
23              rekor:
24                url:

Keyless signing

To sign images using the keyless flow, use the following cosign command:


This command generates ephemeral keys and launches a webpage to confirm an OIDC identity using providers like GitHub, Microsoft, or Google. The subject and issuer used in the policy must match the identity information provided during signing.

Keyless signing with GitHub Workflows

GitHub supports OpenID Connect (OIDC) tokens for workflow identities that eliminates the need for managing hard-coded secrets. A GitHub OIDC token can be used for keyless signing. In this case, the subject in the ephemeral certificate provides the identity of the workflow that executes the image signing tasks.

Since GitHub workflows can be reused in other workflows, it is important to verify the identity of both the executing workflow and the actual workflow used for signing. This can be done using attributes stored in X.509 certificate extensions.

The policy rule fragment checks for the subject and issuer from the certificate. The rule also checks for additional extensions registered using Fulcio Object IDs.

 2- entries:
 3  - keyless:
 4      subject: "{{ORGANIZATION}}/{{REPOSITORY}}/.github/workflows/{{WORKFLOW}}@refs/tags/*"
 5      issuer: ""
 6      additionalExtensions:
 7        githubWorkflowTrigger: push
 8        githubWorkflowSha: {{WORKFLOW_COMMIT_SHA}}
 9        githubWorkflowName: {{WORKFLOW_NAME}}
10        githubWorkflowRepository: {{WORKFLOW_ORGANIZATION}}/{{WORKFLOW_REPOSITORY}}
11      rekor:
12        url:

Using a Key Management Service (KMS)

Kyverno and Cosign support using Key Management Services (KMS) such as AWS, GCP, Azure, and HashiCorp Vault. This integration allows referencing public and private keys using a URI syntax, instead of embedding the key directly in the policy.

The supported formats include:

  • azurekms://[VAULT_NAME][VAULT_URI]/[KEY]
  • awskms://[ENDPOINT]/[ID/ALIAS/ARN]
  • gcpkms://projects/[PROJECT]/locations/global/keyRings/[KEYRING]/cryptoKeys/[KEY]
  • hashivault://[KEY]

Refer to for additional details.

Enabling IRSA to access AWS KMS

When running Kyverno in a AWS EKS cluster, you can use IAM Roles for Service Accounts (IRSA) to grant the Kyverno ServiceAccount permission to retrieve the public key(s) it needs from AWS KMS.

Once IRSA is enabled, the Kyverno ServiceAccount will have a new annotation with the IAM role it can assume, and the Kyverno Pod will assume this IAM role through the cluster’s OIDC provider. To understand how IRSA works internally, see links below:

Sample steps to enable IRSA for Kyverno using eksctl (see links above if you prefer to use AWS CLI instead):

  1. Associate IAM OIDC provider

    1eksctl utils associate-iam-oidc-provider --cluster <cluster-name> --approve
  2. Create IAM policy

     2    "Version": "2012-10-17",
     3    "Statement": [
     4        {
     5            "Effect": "Allow",
     6            "Action": [
     7                "kms:GetPublicKey",
     8                "kms:DescribeKey"
     9            ],
    10            "Resource": "arn:aws:kms:<region>:<account-id>:key/<key-id>"
    11        }
    12    ]
  3. Create IAM role and annotate the Kyverno ServiceAccount with it

    1eksctl create iamserviceaccount \
    2    --name kyverno \
    3    --namespace kyverno \
    4    --cluster <cluster-name> \
    5    --attach-policy-arn "arn:aws:iam::<account-id>:policy/<iam-policy>" \
    6    --approve \
    7    --override-existing-serviceaccounts

Verifying Image Annotations

Cosign has the ability to add annotations when signing an image, and Kyverno can be used to verify them. For example, this policy checks for the annotation of sig: original.

 2kind: ClusterPolicy
 4  name: check-image
 6  background: false
 7  webhookConfiguration:
 8    failurePolicy: Fail
 9    timeoutSeconds: 30
10  rules:
11    - name: check-image
12      match:
13        any:
14        - resources:
15            kinds:
16              - Pod
17      verifyImages:
18      - imageReferences: 
19        -*
20        failureAction: Enforce
21        attestors:
22        - entries:
23          - keys: 
24              publicKeys: |-
25                -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
26                MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEvy6wqHIx5JTxdDcbFIkb6boaxBBw
27                FZmwwzag3ZrsfOLT+r5DOx2LSyoef+eTda/QOcooUEZo7r4HpNbFH/y7Eg==
28                -----END PUBLIC KEY-----                
29            annotations:
30              sig: original

Using private registries

Private registries are defined as those requiring authentication in order to pull images. A private registry may also present leaf certificates issued by internal certificate authorities. To use a private registry, depending on which of these needs apply to you, check the following sections for instructions on how to configure Kyverno appropriately.


In order for Kyverno to authenticate against a registry (private or otherwise), you must first create an imagePullSecret in the Kyverno Namespace and specify the Secret name as an argument to the Kyverno Deployment. Note that this is not a requirement in all cases, for example see AWS with IRSA.

  1. Configure the imagePullSecret:
1kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred \
2--docker-server=<server_address> \
3--docker-username=<username> \
4--docker-password=<password> \
5--docker-email=<email> \
6-n kyverno
  1. Update the Kyverno Deployment to add the --imagePullSecrets=regcred argument:
 1apiVersion: apps/v1
 2kind: Deployment
 4  labels:
 5 kyverno
 6   ...
 8  replicas: 1
 9  selector:
10    matchLabels:
11      app: kyverno
12 kyverno
13  template:
14    spec:
15      containers:
16      - args:
17        ...
18        - --webhooktimeout=15
19        - --imagePullSecrets=regcred


Kyverno does not by default have the same chain of trust as the underlying Kubernetes Nodes nor is it able to access them due to security concerns. Because the Nodes in your cluster can pull an image from a private registry (even if no authentication is required) does not mean Kyverno can. Kyverno ships with trust for the most common third-party certificate authorities and has no knowledge of internal PKI which may be in use by your private registry. Without the chain of trust established, Kyverno will not be able to fetch image metadata, signatures, or other OCI artifacts from a registry. Perform the following steps to present the necessary root certificates to Kyverno to establish trust.

There are two possible methods to present Kyverno with custom certificates. The first is to replace the internal default certificate store with your custom one in which all necessary certificates are stored in a ConfigMap. The second is to allow Kyverno to mount a hostPath volume on the underlying Node so it can read the same certificate store as the host.


Using this first method, you replace Kyverno’s internal certificate store with your own. The certificate(s) you supply using this method will overwrite the entire certificate store Kyverno ships with by default which may prevent you from accessing public registries signed by third-party certificate authorities. This method may be favorable when you are only using private, internal registries with no need to contact external services.

To use this method, set the Helm value along with the certificate(s) you wish Kyverno to trust. An example snippet is shown below.

 2  caCertificates:
 3    data: |
 4      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
 7      <snip>
 8      mPCB0cIwCgYIKoZIzj0EAwIDRwAwRAIgYF0Dy5QuQpYFyHcQEVq5GJgrE9W4gAy2
 9      W/LgVuvZmucCIBcETS4DIw2pWAfeKRDaEOi2YsJoDpWd7lFLQBUbe4G7
10      -----END CERTIFICATE-----      

When this method is used, a ConfigMap containing your certificates is written for each controller and mounted to each controller’s Deployment such that it replaces the internal certificate store. These contents now serve as Kyverno’s trust store.

Host Mount

The second method involves providing Kyverno with the same trust as your Nodes by mounting the certificate store on the Nodes on which the Kyverno Pods run. Often times this trust includes public certificate authorities but in other cases may not. This method may be favorable when you are using a combination of internal, private registries and third-party, public registries. This assumes your Nodes already include trust for both.

To use this method, set the Helm value global.caCertificates.volume along with a hostPath volume pointing to the certificate bundle on the Nodes where Kyverno Pods will run. An example snippet is shown below.

2  caCertificates:
3    volume:
4      hostPath:
5        path: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
6        type: File

Using a signature repository

To use a separate registry to store signatures use the COSIGN_REPOSITORY environment variable when signing the image. Then in the Kyverno policy rule, specify the repository for each image:

 3- imageReferences:
 4  -*
 5  repository: ""
 6  attestors:
 7  - entries:
 8    - keys:
 9        publicKeys: |-
10          -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
11          MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAE8nXRh950IZbRj8Ra/N9sbqOPZrfM
12          5/KAQN0/KjHcorm/J5yctVd7iEcnessRQjU917hmKO6JWVGHpDguIyakZA==
13          -----END PUBLIC KEY-----          

Using a different signature algorithm

By default, cosign uses sha256 has func when computing digests. To use a different signature algorithm, specify the signature algorithm for each attestor as follows:

 3- imageReferences:
 4  -*
 5  attestors:
 6  - entries:
 7    - signatureAlgorithm: sha256
 8      keys:
 9        publicKeys: |-
10          -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
11          MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAE8nXRh950IZbRj8Ra/N9sbqOPZrfM
12          5/KAQN0/KjHcorm/J5yctVd7iEcnessRQjU917hmKO6JWVGHpDguIyakZA==
13          -----END PUBLIC KEY-----          

Allowed values for signature algorithm are sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512.

Ignoring Tlogs and SCT Verification

Cosign uses Rekor, a transparency log service to store signatures. In Cosign 2.0 verifies Rekor entries for both key-based and identity-based signing. To disable this set ignoreTlog: true in Kyverno policies:

 2- imageReferences:
 3  - '*'
 4  attestors:
 5  - entries:
 6    - keys:
 7        publicKeys: |-
 8          -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
 9          MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAE8nXRh950IZbRj8Ra/N9sbqOPZrfM
10          5/KAQN0/KjHcorm/J5yctVd7iEcnessRQjU917hmKO6JWVGHpDguIyakZA==
11          -----END PUBLIC KEY-----          
12        rekor:
13          ignoreTlog: true
14          url:

Cosign also does SCT verification, a proof of inclusion in a certificate transparency log for verifying Fulcio certificates. In Cosign 2.0 it is done by default . To disable this, use ignoreSCT: true:

 2- imageReferences:
 3  - '*'
 4  attestors:
 5  - entries:
 6    - keys:
 7        publicKeys: |-
 8          -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
 9          MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAE8nXRh950IZbRj8Ra/N9sbqOPZrfM
10          5/KAQN0/KjHcorm/J5yctVd7iEcnessRQjU917hmKO6JWVGHpDguIyakZA==
11          -----END PUBLIC KEY-----          
12        rekor:
13          ignoreTlog: true
14          url:
15          pubkey: |-
16          -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
17          MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAE8nXRh950IZbRj8Ra/N9sbqOPZrfM
18          5/KAQN0/KjHcorm/J5yctVd7iEcnessRQjU917hmKO6JWVGHpDguIyakZA==
19          -----END PUBLIC KEY-----          
20        ctlog:
21          ignoreSCT: true
22          pubkey: |-
23          -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
24          MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAE8nXRh950IZbRj8Ra/N9sbqOPZrfM
25          5/KAQN0/KjHcorm/J5yctVd7iEcnessRQjU917hmKO6JWVGHpDguIyakZA==
26          -----END PUBLIC KEY-----          

Using custom Rekor public key and CTLogs public key

You can also provide the Rekor public key and ctlog public key instead of Rekor url to verify tlog entry and SCT entry. Use rekor.pubkey and ctlog.pubkey respectively for this.

 2- imageReferences:
 3  - '*'
 4  attestors:
 5  - entries:
 6    - keys:
 7        publicKeys: |-
 8          -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
 9          MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAE8nXRh950IZbRj8Ra/N9sbqOPZrfM
10          5/KAQN0/KjHcorm/J5yctVd7iEcnessRQjU917hmKO6JWVGHpDguIyakZA==
11          -----END PUBLIC KEY-----          
12        rekor:
13          pubkey: |-
14          -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
15          MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEyQfmL5YwHbn9xrrgG3vgbU0KJxMY
16          BibYLJ5L4VSMvGxeMLnBGdM48w5IE//6idUPj3rscigFdHs7GDMH4LLAng==
17          -----END PUBLIC KEY-----          
18        ctlog:
19          pubkey: |-
20          -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
22          FdGxexVrR4YqO1pRViKxmD9oMu4I7K/4sM51nbH65ycB2uRiDfIdRoV/+A==
23          -----END PUBLIC KEY-----          

Using a Custom TSA cert chain

Cosign accepts custom timestamping authorities during image signing. To verify images signed with custom TSA, Use ctlog.tsaCertChain field to provide cert chain of the custom TSA.

 2kind: ClusterPolicy
 4  name: keyed-tsa-policy
 6  background: false
 7  failurePolicy: Fail
 8  rules:
 9  - match:
10      any:
11      - resources:
12          kinds:
13          - Pod
14    name: keyed-tsa-rule
15    verifyImages:
16    - attestors:
17      - entries:
18        - keys:
19            publicKeys: |-
20              -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
21              MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEstG5Xl7UxkQsmLUxdmS85HLgYBFy
22              c/P/oQ22iazkKm8P0sNlaZiaZC4TSEea3oh2Pim0+wxSubhKoK+7jq9Egg==
23              -----END PUBLIC KEY-----              
24            ctlog:
25              tsaCertChain: |-
26                -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
29                ZWV0c2Eub3JnMSIwIAYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFhNidXNpbGV6YXNAZ21haWwuY29tMRIw
30                EAYDVQQHEwlXdWVyemJ1cmcxDzANBgNVBAgTBkJheWVybjELMAkGA1UEBhMCREUw
31                HhcNMTYwMzEzMDE1MjEzWhcNNDEwMzA3MDE1MjEzWjCBlTERMA8GA1UEChMIRnJl
32                ZSBUU0ExEDAOBgNVBAsTB1Jvb3QgQ0ExGDAWBgNVBAMTD3d3dy5mcmVldHNhLm9y
34                V3VlcnpidXJnMQ8wDQYDVQQIEwZCYXllcm4xCzAJBgNVBAYTAkRFMIICIjANBgkq
35                hkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEAtgKODjAy8REQ2WTNqUudAnjhlCrpE6ql
36                mQfNppeTmVvZrH4zutn+NwTaHAGpjSGv4/WRpZ1wZ3BRZ5mPUBZyLgq0YrIfQ5Fx
37                0s/MRZPzc1r3lKWrMR9sAQx4mN4z11xFEO529L0dFJjPF9MD8Gpd2feWzGyptlel
38                b+PqT+++fOa2oY0+NaMM7l/xcNHPOaMz0/2olk0i22hbKeVhvokPCqhFhzsuhKsm
39                q4Of/o+t6dI7sx5h0nPMm4gGSRhfq+z6BTRgCrqQG2FOLoVFgt6iIm/BnNffUr7V
40                DYd3zZmIwFOj/H3DKHoGik/xK3E82YA2ZulVOFRW/zj4ApjPa5OFbpIkd0pmzxzd
41                EcL479hSA9dFiyVmSxPtY5ze1P+BE9bMU1PScpRzw8MHFXxyKqW13Qv7LWw4sbk3
42                SciB7GACbQiVGzgkvXG6y85HOuvWNvC5GLSiyP9GlPB0V68tbxz4JVTRdw/Xn/XT
43                FNzRBM3cq8lBOAVt/PAX5+uFcv1S9wFE8YjaBfWCP1jdBil+c4e+0tdywT2oJmYB
44                BF/kEt1wmGwMmHunNEuQNzh1FtJY54hbUfiWi38mASE7xMtMhfj/C4SvapiDN837
45                gYaPfs8x3KZxbX7C3YAsFnJinlwAUss1fdKar8Q/YVs7H/nU4c4Ixxxz4f67fcVq
47                AgHGMB0GA1UdDgQWBBT6VQ2MNGZRQ0z357OnbJWveuaklzCBygYDVR0jBIHCMIG/
48                gBT6VQ2MNGZRQ0z357OnbJWveuakl6GBm6SBmDCBlTERMA8GA1UEChMIRnJlZSBU
49                U0ExEDAOBgNVBAsTB1Jvb3QgQ0ExGDAWBgNVBAMTD3d3dy5mcmVldHNhLm9yZzEi
51                cnpidXJnMQ8wDQYDVQQIEwZCYXllcm4xCzAJBgNVBAYTAkRFggkAwemGFg2o6YAw
52                MwYDVR0fBCwwKjAooCagJIYiaHR0cDovL3d3dy5mcmVldHNhLm9yZy9yb290X2Nh
54                FidodHRwOi8vd3d3LmZyZWV0c2Eub3JnL2ZyZWV0c2FfY3BzLmh0bWwwMgYIKwYB
55                BQUHAgEWJmh0dHA6Ly93d3cuZnJlZXRzYS5vcmcvZnJlZXRzYV9jcHMucGRmMEcG
56                CCsGAQUFBwICMDsaOUZyZWVUU0EgdHJ1c3RlZCB0aW1lc3RhbXBpbmcgU29mdHdh
58                MAGGG2h0dHA6Ly93d3cuZnJlZXRzYS5vcmc6MjU2MDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQ0FAAOC
59                AgEAaK9+v5OFYu9M6ztYC+L69sw1omdyli89lZAfpWMMh9CRmJhM6KBqM/ipwoLt
60                nxyxGsbCPhcQjuTvzm+ylN6VwTMmIlVyVSLKYZcdSjt/eCUN+41K7sD7GVmxZBAF
61                ILnBDmTGJmLkrU0KuuIpj8lI/E6Z6NnmuP2+RAQSHsfBQi6sssnXMo4HOW5gtPO7
62                gDrUpVXID++1P4XndkoKn7Svw5n0zS9fv1hxBcYIHPPQUze2u30bAQt0n0iIyRLz
63                aWuhtpAtd7ffwEbASgzB7E+NGF4tpV37e8KiA2xiGSRqT5ndu28fgpOY87gD3ArZ
64                DctZvvTCfHdAS5kEO3gnGGeZEVLDmfEsv8TGJa3AljVa5E40IQDsUXpQLi8G+UC4
65                1DWZu8EVT4rnYaCw1VX7ShOR1PNCCvjb8S8tfdudd9zhU3gEB0rxdeTy1tVbNLXW
66                99y90xcwr1ZIDUwM/xQ/noO8FRhm0LoPC73Ef+J4ZBdrvWwauF3zJe33d4ibxEcb
67                8/pz5WzFkeixYM2nsHhqHsBKw7JPouKNXRnl5IAE1eFmqDyC7G/VT7OF669xM6hb
68                Ut5G21JE4cNK6NNucS+fzg1JPX0+3VhsYZjj7D5uljRvQXrJ8iHgr/M6j2oLHvTA
69                I2MLdq2qjZFDOCXsxBxJpbmLGBx9ow6ZerlUxzws2AWv2pk=
70                -----END CERTIFICATE-----                
71      imageReferences:
72      -*
73  validationFailureAction: Enforce
74  webhookTimeoutSeconds: 30

Using a custom TUF for custom Sigstore deployments

If you want to have your own Sigstore infrastructure to be fully in control of the entire signing and verification stack, including the root key material, you can set up your own root of trust to use TUF. To configure Kyverno to use your TUF setup, use --tufRoot and --tufMirror flags for custom Sigstore deployments.

Verifying images in Custom Resources

In addition to Kubernetes Pods, custom resources such as Tekton Tasks, Argo Workflow Steps, and others may also reference container images. In other cases, rather than an image, an OCI artifact like a Tekton Pipeline bundle may be signed. Kyverno supports verification for images and OCI Artifacts in custom resources by allowing the declaration of an imageExtractor, which specifies the location of the image or artifact in the custom resource.

Here is an example of a policy that verifies that Tekton task steps are signed using a private key that matches the specified public key:

 3kind: ClusterPolicy
 5  name: signed-task-image
 7  rules:
 8  - name: check-signature
 9    match:
10      any:
11      - resources:
12          kinds:
13          -
14    imageExtractors:
15      TaskRun:
16        - name: "taskrunstatus"
17          path: "/status/taskSpec/steps/*"
18          value: "image"
19          key: "name"
20    verifyImages:
21    - imageReferences:
22      - "*"
23      failureAction: Enforce
24      required: false
25      attestors:
26      - entries:
27        - keys: 
28            publicKeys: |-
29              -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
30              MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEahmSvGFmxMJABilV1usgsw6ImcQ/
31              gDaxw57Sq+uNGHW8Q3zUSx46PuRqdTI+4qE3Ng2oFZgLMpFN/qMrP0MQQg==
32              -----END PUBLIC KEY-----                 

This policy rule checks that Tekton pipeline bundles are signed with a private key that matches the specified public key:

 2kind: ClusterPolicy
 4  name: signed-pipeline-bundle
 6  rules:
 7  - name: check-signature
 8    match:
 9      any:
10      - resources:
11          kinds:
12          - PipelineRun
13    imageExtractors:
14      PipelineRun:
15        - name: "pipelineruns"
16          path: /spec/pipelineRef
17          value: "bundle"
18          key: "name"
19    verifyImages:
20    - imageReferences:
21      - "*"
22      failureAction: Enforce
23      attestors:
24      - entries:
25        - keys: 
26            publicKeys: |-
27              -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
28              MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEahmSvGFmxMJABilV1usgsw6ImcQ/
29              gDaxw57Sq+uNGHW8Q3zUSx46PuRqdTI+4qE3Ng2oFZgLMpFN/qMrP0MQQg==
30              -----END PUBLIC KEY-----              

For Custom Resources which reference container images in a non-standard way, an optional jmesPath field may be used to apply a filter to transform the value of the extracted field. For example, in the case of KubeVirt’s DataVolume custom resource, the fielding referencing the image needing verification is located at spec.source.registry.url as seen below.

 2kind: DataVolume
 4  name: registry-image-datavolume
 6  source:
 7    registry:
 8      url: "docker://kubevirt/fedora-cloud-registry-disk-demo"
 9  pvc:
10    accessModes:
11      - ReadWriteOnce
12    resources:
13      requests:
14        storage: 5Gi

The value of the field contains a prefix of docker:// which must be removed first. Applying a JMESPath expression in an extractor along with a Kyverno custom filter such as trim_prefix() can be used to provide the container image for Kyverno to verify.

2  DataVolume:
3    - path: /spec/source/registry/url
4      jmesPath: "trim_prefix(@, 'docker://')"

Special Variables

A pre-defined, reserved special variable named image is available for use only in verifyImages rules. The following fields are available under the image object and may be used in a rule to reference the named fields.

  • reference
  • referenceWithTag
  • registry
  • path
  • name
  • tag
  • digest

Offline Registries

The policy-level setting failurePolicy when set to Ignore additionally means that failing calls to image registries will be ignored. This allows for Pods to not be blocked if the registry is offline, useful in situations where images already exist on the nodes.

Known Issues

Check the Kyverno GitHub repo for a list of pending issues for this feature.

Last modified March 23, 2025 at 6:26 PM PST: rename dir (#1493) (010ba3f)